
Leading Ayurveda Brisbane therapists

ANTA has been accrediting Ayurveda practitioners for over 60 years. Every one of our practitioners meet the educational and training standards needed for membership.

Find an Ayurvedic medicine in Brisbane

If you’re looking for Ayurvedic medicine in Brisbane, our directory is filled with qualified and accredited practitioners, who will be happy to help.

Our Brisbane Ayurveda practitioners are high quality

✔️Our Brisbane-based Ayurveda practitioners are fully qualified and accredited
✔️Ayurvedic medicine is about treating your entire being, not just your symptoms
✔️Our Ayurveda practitioners treat a variety of conditions, both physiological and psychological
✔️Every one of our members is recognised by federal and state governments
✔️We have been representing Ayurvedic practitioners for over half a century
✔️ANTA’s Ayurveda practitioners can assist you with a variety of health issues

Ayurveda practitioners—what you need to know

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine originally developed in India over 3,000 years ago. It’s based on the idea that health issues are due to an imbalance in your body, or stress in your consciousness, which practitioners aim to resolve by bringing them in alignment. Primary concepts of the medicine are universal interconnectedness, the constitution of the body, and life forces.

Ayurvedic treatments are diverse, including dietary recommendations, herbal remedies, massage, Yoga, and more.

The philosophy of Ayurveda

Ayurveda places emphasis on the five elements of nature: air, space, water, fire, and earth. When combined with the body, these elements create three doshas known as Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha, which relate to the following bodily functions:

  • Vatta = air and space. This is related to muscle and joint movement, the heartbeat, breathing, as well as nervous system functions like pain, fear, and anxiety.
  • Pitta = fire and water. Related to functions like digestion, metabolism, and intelligence, and emotions like hate and anger.
  • Kapha = earth and water. Related to the body’s structure and immune system. Also governs love, calmness, and forgiveness.

How is Ayurveda performed?

Ayurveda is performed in the following ways:

  • Dietary changes
  • Herbal medicine
  • Panchakarma
  • Ayurveda massage (abhyanga)
  • Acupuncture
  • Meditation and breathing exercises
  • Yoga

How to choose an Ayurveda practitioner

The easiest way to choose an Ayurveda practitioner is through our directory. Our members are fully qualified and accredited, and recognised by federal and state governments, so you’re sure to find a high-quality practitioner for your needs.

What to expect from your first Ayurveda appointment

Ayurvedic appointments typically consist of three parts:

1. Observation (Darshan)

The practitioner will examine your movement, skin and eye colour, nose shape, facial lines, body contour and more, to get a better understanding of your holistic health

2. Touch (Sparsha)

A more in-depth examination occurs in which the practitioner palpates your body and listens to your internal organs. They will also examine your tongue, speech, pulse, and nails.

3. Questioning (Prashna)

The practitioner will chat to you about any medical issues you have, as well as any psychological conditions.

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Ayurveda in Brisbane—FAQs

#1 Does Ayurveda work?

Ayurvedic practices such as massage, meditation, and targeting pressure points have proven to treat a variety of health issues, so are 100% backed by science.

#2 Does Ayurveda have side effects?

Ayurveda uses a variety of techniques to heal the mind, body, and soul. This might include administering herbal medicines, which can have certain side effects. Be sure to ask the practitioner about these before ingesting any herbal medicines.