Please expand the below headings to read the communications to members at that time.
Please find the following information in relation to the vaccination directions for your State, the current Direction (Direction Under Section 16, Mandatory Vaccination of Certain Workers – No. 7), relates specifically to certain workers in specific industries.
Where it relates to healthcare, it refers to “premises of medical or health facility“, and “health and medical services or treatments“. The definition for this is very clearly defined within these Directions as AHPRA registered or Allied Health.
The ONLY modalities registered with ANTA that fall within this definition are: Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture.
If you work for someone who operates a medical or health facility, then you must be “sufficiently vaccinated” by 31 October 2021.
Sufficiently vaccinated means:
Unless an exemption applies. Please read the Directions for information on all of the above.
The following ANTA modalities do not fall under this Direction:
Recently, we have seen the introduction of a number of mandates for vaccinations in Australia for various industries as part of the fight against COVID-19.
Understanding these mandates, how or if they relate to your and your practices is challenging to say the least.
ANTA has been working hard to elucidate the facts and provide them to you in as clear a way as possible.
Please note that the information we provide here is simply a summary of the vaccine mandates for states in which they are currently in place.
Please also note that the information we provide here is current to the best of our knowledge at the time of publishing, and that new and updated information may be provided by government at any time.
Lastly, please note that mandatory vaccination orders are, and can only be, put in place by Chief Health Officers in each state, and they are not mandates placed on you by ANTA or any other body.
At the time of release of this statement, there are mandatory vaccine mandates for the health services in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia.
Currently there are no vaccine mandates for Queensland, Australian Capital Territory or Northern Territory.
Not all state-based mandates apply to ANTA members, and those mandates that may apply to some ANTA members, do not apply to all.
In the state of Victoria, vaccinations are mandatory for practitioners who are AHPRA registered (Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioners) and other health practitioners who fall under the definition of Allied Health as per the Victorian Health Department definition (link).
All non-AHPRA registered practitioners are not mandated to be vaccinated unless they work in a practice that is owned/operated by an Allied Health or AHPRA registered practitioner, or if they work in a public or private hospital. See the full Victorian Health Orders (No. 6) HERE.
If you fall under the mandatory vaccination rules, you must have your first dose of the vaccine on or by the 29th of October. Your second dose must be received by December 15th 2021.
Currently, the reopen date for businesses appears to be around 26th October. This will be dependent on the State getting to 70% or more vaccination status. Therefore, regardless of your vaccination status, if you are not considered an essential worker you are unable to reopen at this time.
New South Wales
In the state of New South Wales, vaccinations are mandatory for all registered and non-registered health practitioners. The definition of a health practitioner references the Healthcare Complaints Act 1993 (link).
This means that all practising New South Wales, ANTA members must be vaccinated as per the NSW Health Orders, dated Sept 29th 2021, regardless of the setting in which you work.
Health care workers are required to have had both doses of the vaccine by the 30th of November 2021.
The Tasmanian Health Department has published directions for health care practitioners as listed in (THIS) letter are required to have received their first vaccination by the 31st of October 2021.
ANTA members who are listed in the letter (AHPRA registered and Allied Health practitioners according to the Tasmanian Health definition) are included in these directions for mandatory vaccinations.
The complete Health Orders have not yet been issued, but are expected soon. For further information please refer to the Tasmanian Health Department (link)
South Australia
On the 7th of October, South Australia Health released public health orders that required health practitioners working in health care settings, as defined in the (orders) as public and private hospitals and ambulance services.
The definition of health care workers as per the Orders does not include any of the categories of ANTA membership.
For further information please refer to the (Orders).
Western Australia
The Western Australian Department of Health has issued mandatory vaccination orders for health practitioners and employees working in WA health system entities (hospitals, government health settings).
The definition of health care workers as per the Orders does not include any of the categories of ANTA membership.
For further information please refer to the government of WA health department website (HERE)or (HERE).
To fully understand the obligations for your business with regard to vaccinations, please refer to the relevant state-based agencies.
It is with pleasure we advise that late yesterday afternoon we received a notification from the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia that The Chief Allied Health Office has updated their website to include Chinese Herbal Medicine, which also includes Acupuncture.
Please see below what this means for members in each state:
SA: Chinese Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture can work if they operate from a Hospital
NSW: Chinese Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture can work in any location under any circumstance
VIC: Chinese Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture can work for essential clinical care. Please click this link to go through to a previous communication to see the points that determine “essential clinical care“.
This is a small win and something we can continue to reference into the future.
If there is anything further we can assist you with please feel free to contact us at
Please click here to view the email correspondence received from the Tasmanian COVID-19 Emergency Coordination Centre, Department of Health.
Friday, 1st May 2020
Joint Associations,
ANTA, Massage and Myotherapy Australia, ATMS and Myothearpy Association Australia
It is with great pleasure that we can finally advise that all states are now in agreeance and all manual therapists, Remedial and Myotherapists, can now resume work if they choose to do so.
We have updated the State Ruling Document showing all states have the green light. Tasmania was confirmed via email late Thursday afternoon in relation to Remedial Massage Therapy. This is has been a major effort on behalf of ANTA, ATMS, Massage & Myotherapy & MAA advocating strongly for your industry in alignment with the nationally accredited qualifications held by our members.
Please click here to view the email correspondence received from the Tasmanian COVID-19 Emergency Coordination Centre, Department of Health.
In what can only be described as a roller-coaster of emotions over the past month, we, the Australian Natural Therapists Association are absolutely elated to announce Myotherapy is permitted in every state and Remedial Massage is permitted in every state except Tasmania. We are hopeful that we will also have a green light from Tasmania shortly.
These results have not come about by chance. This is the result of an immense amount of advocacy, conversations with all state and territory departments and ministers, emails, carrier pigeons, you name it, we used it. This is also the result of 4 of our major industry associations, ANTA, ATMS, Massage and Myotherapy and us, MA coming together to provide one VERY LOUD voice. And it cannot go without being said that this is also the result of you, our members, strongly standing behind what you do, ensuring that your work is understood as an essential health service, contacting your own state and territory departments, and being proud to say, this is who we are, this is what we do, this is why we are essential.
We continue to advocate on your behalf – our members, our community.
Together as industry associations ANTA, ATMS, Massage & Myotherapy and MA have been working on behalf of our members, asking all State and Territory governments to clarify whether remedial massage and myotherapists can continue to practice during Coronavirus restrictions.
One by one, governments have come back to us with sensible responses that allow essential healthcare services, such as remedial massage, myotherapy and soft tissue therapy to continue caring for patients.
In a victory for common-sense, yesterday, the Queensland government responded to our member advocacy permitting these services to operate. Their updates to the Directive can be read here.
We will continue to strive for more clarity for Tasmania and South Australia, and will provide updates as they become available.
You can find a full summary of the state by state rulings for all modalities below.
Wednesday, 22nd April 2020
Joint Associations,
ANTA, Myotherapy Association Australia, ATMS and Massage and Myotherapy Australia
In a small win for Tasmania, we yesterday received notice that Myotherapists are permitted to practice in a health or medical facility.
While the information we received did not specifically mention Remedial Massage Therapists, that does not mean that they will not be permitted to practice going forward. We are currently seeking more information and clarity on this and hope to have another announcement for our Remedial Massage Therapy members in Tasmania shortly.
For Myotherapists who are uncertain if their clinic constitutes a health or medical practice, you can apply directly to the government to have your facility approved for practice at this time.
You will find the appropriate form HERE, when completed, you can email it to
You can also call Tasmanian Public Health on 1800 671 738 if you have any further questions.
Since our first joint statement on 26th March 2020, the landscape continues to be ever changing. The joint Associations have been working tirelessly in order to provide all members the facts and will continue to seek clarity from both Federal and State Governments as to the direction orders for Therapeutic, Remedial Massage and Myotherapy services in each individual state.
As of today, 17th April 2020, the following is a summary of what has been received in writing from the different states and territories:
The following states and territories have confirmed that remedial massage and myotherapy members are permitted to provide professional services at this time:
The following states have confirmed that remedial massage and myotherapy are not permitted to provide professional services, at this time:
We continue to seek clarification from South Australia.
Obtaining the facts as they stand on a day-to-day basis has been achieved as a result of the efforts of the combined Association initiative between the Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA), Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS), Myotherapy Association Australia (MAA) & Massage & Myotherapy Australia (M&MA). We thank you for continuing to support the work that your association is doing at this time, and stay united as a community of health care providers.
Please view THIS DOCUMENT to verify the rulings state by state. This document will be updated as any new information comes to hand.
Friday, 17th April 2020
Joint Association,
ANTA, Massage and Myotherapy Australia, ATMS, Myotherapy Association Australia
It certainly has been a challenging time for our profession over the past few weeks.
We hope that you can find confidence in the fact that four major associations are continuing to work closely in an effort to obtain more clarity on government directions, greater unity within our industry, and a stronger positioning of our members as important contributors to the health care setting.
Every day presents us with a new challenge to tackle. We know that some of you are grappling with your decisions to close or not close your practices at this time, while others have been directed by their state government to close due to local restrictions.
Please note that we are working constantly to ensure you have the most current information available, and that the relevant stakeholders in the various government departments are well informed of the services being provided by our members and the benefits that they provide the community.
It is at times like this that being a member of an industry association that exists to support and advocate for its members is most important, and we take that role very seriously. Thank you for your faith in us and for allowing us to work for you at this time.
As we approach the Easter weekend, an Easter like no other we have experienced before, please remember to keep supporting your colleagues, industry, friends and family, be respectful, patient and kind. We are all in this together and will come through the other side stronger, united and proud for the remarkable services we provide.
Thank you.
9th April 2020
Joint Associations,
ANTA, Massage and Myotherapy Australia, Myotherapy Association Australia and ATMS
As the COVID -19 situation persists through March and into April 2020 affecting members and industry nationwide, we trust that these joint statements are of assistance. The joint statements aim to help all our members better understand the COVID -19 situation as it applies to massage and myotherapy in the face of unclear interpretations of the term “massage parlour” across a range of jurisdictions.
The Australian Government has described a healthcare setting as an essential indoor gathering. At this stage it is apparent that directives to specific health service providers are being informed state by state, further adding to the confusion.
While services provided by remedial massage and myotherapists currently fall within this category (an essential indoor gathering) in some states (see below for state directive) we encourage you to consider the risk environment and public safety when making decisions about whether you are providing to your patients’ essential services within those states and territories yet to provide a clear directive.
You would have received the email or social media message advising that we continue to seek clarity or a single definition from both Federal and State Government as to the exclusion of these health services. This is important now and in the future to establish a definitive and clear message. In the interim ARHG support the position of their participating health funds in removing access to the Hicaps facility until the government advises that the virus is contained. They have further advised that claims submitted by other means will be reviewed carefully and audited if necessary.
Police is some States are instructing some therapists that are open to close down but not in others.
It is important to note that Associations have no legal authority to tell you to open or close. We can only provide members with the guidance and advice from confirmed sources which we will continue to do.
As of today, Tuesday 31st March, we are advised Massage and Myotherapy are considered non-essential services in Queensland, the Northern Territory, and Victoria, and therefore remedial massage therapists and myotherapists in those states should cease face-to-face practice immediately.
Until absolute clarity can be demonstrated such as in Queensland and Victoria please co-operate with any instructions from Police and do not put your business or self at further risk.
31st March 2020
Joint Associations
ANTA, Massage and Myotherapy Australia, Myotherapy Association Australia and ATMS
We appreciate that this is a difficult time for all of you.
We have joined together to issue this joint statement to help all of our members better understand the current situation as it applies to massage and myotherapy.
Our Boards and staff are working very hard to bring you factual, up-to-date information relevant to your practices. Given the ever-changing nature of the current situation, we are fact-checking before we communicate with you. This means we are in regular communication with State, Territory and Federal government departments and Ministers to clarify the situation for our members. They all have a lot of responsibilities right now and we respect the time it takes for them to respond.
Please be patient and respectful with our staff. We are working through our enquiries as quickly as we can.
QLD Health Department released a statement late on Thursday 26th March, outlining that exemptions to continue work applies to Health services provided by health practitioners registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, with social distancing observed to the extent possible.
On 26 March, we attended a briefing with the Principal Medical Advisor at the Department of Health. Key messages from that briefing are:
Please find a letter from the Department of Health here.(File no longer available)
This is the number one question from our members and there are no black and white answers.
The short answer is that we cannot advise that you are required to close your business. Government encourages healthcare workers to continue working, to help ease the pressure on our hospital system.
You need to consider your own personal situation when deciding whether to close your practice. You, or someone you live with, may have healthcare concerns that make it prudent for you to limit your physical interaction with others.
Government is asking practitioners to refrain from using masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) and help conserve stocks for hospitals and other higher need areas.
Whatever decision you make, always remember to respect government advice on Covid-19 hygiene.
Our insurers have confirmed that you are covered as long as you:
Here are some resources to help you and your patients with Covid-19 hygiene:
Remedial Massage – it is difficult to see how massage could be provided remotely. However, you may choose to provide your clients with some stretches, exercises if in scope, or self-manage tips to help them.
Myotherapy – Yes, you can provide audiovisual consultations to your clients. In fact, where you don’t need a face-to-face consultation, government encourages audiovisual consultations.
You are insured, as long as you practice within your scope of practice and keep comprehensive notes. Insurance providers are suggesting that, where possible, initial consultations should still occur face-to-face, as it may be more challenging to perform an initial client assessment online.
On 26 March, private health funds do NOT provide rebates for audiovisual consultations. It is important that you tell your clients this so there are no misunderstandings later.
Please note – we are working with private health funds in the hope of implementing rebates for audiovisual consultation services.
There are a lot of resources out there that you can access.
This information focuses on help available for small businesses. Here is another link.
We want to reassure you again that we are here for you and doing everything we can to bring you fact-checked information as it becomes available.
Thursday, 26th March 2020
ANTA – Elizabeth Greenwood, President | Jim Olds, Executive Officer
Myotherapy Association Australia – Nick Steward, President | Anna Yerondais, CEO
ATMS – Peter Berryman, President | Charles Wurf, CEO
Massage and Myotherapy Australia – Andrew Gallagher, President | Tricia Hughes, CEO